Every player receives a spreadsheet for the License they purchase. Their personal AI will instruct each player how to use the spreadsheet.
Tier 1 Game Licenses are available for $25 each. There are five ways to make money with a Tier 1 License.
Restaurant License. Restaurants make money by selling meals to customers, just like in real-life. A default restaurant (you just buy the License and do nothing else), will generate an estimated $.09 (9 cents USD) a day. Players can increase this income by adding tables, a bar, enlarging the bar, upscaling the restaurant to a higher class or hiring a chef.
Restaurants come in different classes ranging from Buffet to Super Luxury. Highest incomes can be made at the Super Luxury class, but expenses are higher also. A careful balancing of these elements can generate an income of up to $3 USD per day.
Income - From $0.03 cents USD a day to $3 USD per day.
Nightclub License. A Nightclub License includes a Bar License. The business you open is up to you.
Nightclubs are very profitable earning 320,000 credits per hour on default or up to 6,900,000 credits an hour when optimized.
Income - A 320,000 credit per hour club or bar would generate $0.032 cents per day. A fully optimized and Super Luxury nightclub could generate as much as $69 dollars USD a day.
An income of $69 USD per day equals $25,185 USD dollars annually.
Engineering and Research Company License. An Engineering and Research company makes money through inventions, optimizing existing processes of companies and plants, increasing production rates and or lowering costs of production.
An Engineering and Research company begins with a staff of 3 crews of 3 team members each with a floor space in an industrial or research zoned location of 10,000 square meters.
Base value of this facility is established at $1,000,000 credits per square meter ($1.00 USD)
for equipment, materials and software. Expanding beyond this size will cost $1.2 million per square meter.
2 crew members can be added to each crew for a doubling of their output at a cost of 1.5 times labor costs.
The addition of each team of 3 adds .007 to output while each additional team of five adds .01 to output.
The Output of an Engineering and Research company is either lowered costs for a client whether in labor or materials, (both are separate), reduced time for the same outcome, or greater efficiency in operations which is a combination of any 2 (random) of the previous.
Research costs to the Engineering and Research Company are $1,000,000 per hour per crew.
Output is measured in tenths of a percent - .001%. These are accumulative for the client.
Example: A Luxury Restaurant hires an Engineering and Research Company to reduce its labor costs.
The restaurant currently has labor costs of $1,750,000 per day.
After 1 hour, using 1 crew the Engineering and Research Company has discovered processes that will reduce labor costs to the restaurant by .01%. This results in a cost savings of $15,750 dollars per day, ($15,750 dollars in additional profits per day).
The restaurant has spent $1,000,000 to increase its profits by $5,850,000 a year.
Income - Very difficult to estimate, but a minimal Engineering and Research Company, if fully employed by contracts could generate from $3 USD per day to over $100 USD per day.
Buy an Existing Building. Existing buildings are available throughout the city of Kila Vas. These buildings range from small one-story buildings with a small footprint to 100 to 200 or more story office buildings 100+ meters wide and long. This equals one or two offices, a customer waiting area, a receptionist area and an employee lounge. Players may divide any 100 square meter office into three smaller offices at approximately 0.42 cost each with very little additional construction costs.
Players owning a building may sell, trade or lease or rent their buildings.
Rental rates for buildings are based on a 100 square meter office or zone.
The annual rental rate for a 100 square meter office is $1,298 credits a year for a Class A office building. If a building is 60 stories tall, 80 meters long and wide, (6,400 square meters).
This would provide 3,240 offices.
Income - 3,240 Class A offices would generate $4,205,520 credits per year or $4 USD per year.
Rents increase on an annual basis and buildings increase in height over time as well.
Buy a Planet. Planets may be rich in natural resources, land may be sold or leased for development, cities can be built and taxes and fees applied to users and the resident population.
Although it is impossible to forecast how much income a Planet may generate, it is safe to say that with proper development and using a balanced approach, a Planet should eventually generate a minimum of $100 USD per day or $38,000 USD annually - matching Maf months to regular months.
Income - Impossible to calculate. ($100 USD + per day ?)
Tier 2 - $100 Game Licenses
The Tier 2 Game License Tier includes three Game Licenses: the Production and Sales Company, the Building License and Buy a Building Lot.
Production and Sales Company. A Production and Sales Company is any company that manufactures products of any kind, mines or refines ores, minerals, or fuels and or sells items.
The Production and Sales Company License grants the holder the capability to buy goods at wholesale and sell these goods on the Market at a price they set.
Examples of Production and Sales companies include but are not limited to mining and drilling companies, oil companies, pipeline companies and services, trading companies, coop organizations, any retail company, shipping companies, vehicle and aircraft manufacturers, spacecraft builders, heavy equipment manufacturers, suppliers, retailers or lessors, grocery stores, cinemas, virtual reality facilities, theme parks, etc.
Markets, farmer's markets, outdoor bazaars, art galleries, museums, are all exempt from obtaining a Production and Sales Company License.
Sole proprietors must not exceed sales of $1,000,000 credits a day or they must obtain a Production and Sales Company License.
All items and objects available for purchase in the game are created by a company with a Production and Sales License excluding those items and products covered by some other Game License.
Because a Production and Sales company can manufacture, produce, sell or trade such a variety of items, profits from holders of these Licenses cannot be estimated. However, also because every player must buy whatever they need from the Market, it is projected that substantial profits can be generated from a Production and Sales Company License.
Income - Depending on supply and demand in the Market, players holding a Production and Sales Company License may be able to earn anywhere from $1,000,000 credits ($1 USD) to over $100,000,000 credits ($100 USD) per day, ($380 to $38,000 USD + per year).
Building License. Grants authority for player to buy a lot and design and build a building on that lot. Game has open lots available or owner of License may buy a lot from any player selling open building lots.
Buildings can be sold or leased by owner to game (game has several hundred corporations that need office space) or other players. Owner may build as many as desired. Player must hire a Construction Company to construct the building.
Income - Initially, the game begins with smaller buildings that would generate from $.01 (1 cent) a day to approximately $.09 per day. As the game matures, building heights and sizes increase and rents increase potentially generating income from $5 USD per day to over $100 USD per day.
Buy a Building Lot - Buy an empty 112 meter x 112 meter empty plot of ground in the city of Kila Vas. Use it to build a building or sell or lease the lot.
Income - Depends upon usage of the lot.