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Character Roles

Writer's picture: Perry JonesPerry Jones

Maf: Starfleet Battles — Character Roles

After players have completed all the tutorials, they select the character and role they wish to play.

Players may have up to 5 characters on one account, each character may play a different role; with its own unique background, history, skills and belongings.

Players are not restricted in how to play their chracters. Players may act within their chosen role or in any manner they choose. Role bonuses will apply however the player chooses to act.

Players may choose from the following roles:

Agriculturalist — An Agriculturalist specializes in the growth and harvesting of all food items. As a farmer, vineyard owner or rancher, the food they produce has 10% more nutrient value and is 10% tastier. This role also includes characters who wish to explore botany or exobotany, flora of any kinds and research of plants.

Assassin-As may be guessed, this role is strictly for players assuming an Assassin identity. Assassins are “guns-for-hire,” receiving compensation in exchange for their services. Assassins are skilled in stealthy deployment, evasion, surveillance, knowledge of a wide variety of weapons and accuracy in the use of those weapons. Some Assassins may specialize in poisons, bomb-making, making deaths appear accidental or by suicide, etc. Assassins receive a 10% role bonus in weapons accuracy, range, evasion, surveillance, effectiveness of devices and stealthy deployment (remaining undetected by suspects or police while engaged in their profession).

Bounty Hunter-Charged with the discovery and return of fugitives from justice, Bounty Hunters are skilled in tracking, locating, persuasion, and in detaining suspects and receive a 10% role bonus in each of these skills. Bounty Hunters receive a 5% role bonus in the knowledge, usage and accuracy of weapons.

Business-Business is a generic term covering all aspects of business not otherwise covered by these Roles. Business includes business owners, executives, entrepreneurs, accountants, and specialists of all kinds engaged in business pursuits. All Business roles receive a 10% role bonus in persuasion, (getting another party to agree to your terms), 10% in bargaining, (10% less cost for items purchased, 5% greater than market price for items sold, 2% less on taxes due) and 1% greater intelligence.

Captain-Commanding Officer of a ship of any size. Players begin as the CO of a frigate of either military or commercial use. Captains receive a 10% role bonus each in leadership, knowledge of ship weapons, systems and spacecraft engineering (each a separate skill), persuasion, brawling and communications.

Cargo Runner-This role is for players seeking a career in hauling cargo from one location to another. Beginning with a corvette-sized transport, Cargo Runners receive 10% role bonuses in persuasion, bargaining, ship systems and spacecraft engineering. Their ships also require 10% less fuel.

Colonist-Players begin as a member of a colony on a random planet, moon or space facility or they may choose their starting location. Players choosing this role receive 10% role bonuses in survival, endurance, communications, bargaining and tool knowledge and tool usage. Colonists receive a living space which may be dorm style or private living quarters depending on the age of the colony and the wealth of that colony.

Combat Medic-These players are assigned to a military force as their medic. Combat medics receive 10% bonus in healing self, healing others, endurance and strength. They also receive a 10% role bonus in persuasion.

Crime Boss-This role is the head a of a crime syndicate, gang or group of career criminals. They receive a 10% bonus in weapons usage and accuracy and a 15% bonus in persuasion, bargaining and extortion. Leadership bonus is 5%. See the Crime Boss post for additional details about this role.

Cyberneticist-The player assuming this role is skilled at the integration and use of cyberchips used within the body or for servomechanisms. This character receives a 10% role bonus in cybernetics, biology and anatomy. Recipients of their cyberchips receive a 10% bonus in whatever skill or body enhancement they have received.

Diplomat-This role is for characters who have experience in diplomacy and politics. Role bonuses are 10% each in persuasion, bargaining and small talk. Diplomats may receive missions to travel to and speak with representatives of friendly, neutral or not-friendly states, corporate leaders and executives, business owners, entrepreneurs, gang members or gang leaders, Crime Bosses or Empire Builders.

Doctor/Surgeon-This is two similar roles, players must select one or the other. A Doctor is a general practitioner in the medical field and may specialize in any of a number of fields. A Surgeon is a specialist skilled in any one of a variety of surgical procedures. Both roles receive 10% bonuses in persuasion, small talk and healing of self and healing of others, knowledge of medicines and medicinal herbs and recreational drugs. Surgeons may receive a 5% additional bonus in healing of others at the cost of a 5% reduction in small talk.

Drone Operator-Skilled at the assembly, engineering of, deployment, control and use of drones. Role bonuses are: 10% in assembly speed, reverse engineering, drone range, drone control, number of drones under control, targeting, tracking and accuracy of the drones under their command.

Empire Builder-This unique advanced role begins with the player owning a planetary nation on Maf or a nearby solar system, a one-planet starnation near to Maf or a four-planet starnation far from Maf at a random location or a location of the player’s choosing. Role bonuses consist of 10% leadership, 10% persuasion and 10% bargaining. Their nation is advanced and may be just venturing into space for a planetary nation or already has a space presence for the starnations.

Engineer-This role provides characters with knowledge of engineering. Players may select any five of the engineering specialty fields: Civil; dams, bridges, highways, ports and airports. 10% bonus in construction speed and strength of each: Research; 10% bonus each in reverse engineering, inventions, optimization: Pipeline; 10% bonus in construction speed, strength of pipeline, amount of material carried through pipeline and in speed of material transiting through pipeline: Space; covering a space and orbital structures and facilities but excluding spacecraft of all kinds; 10% bonus in speed of construction, strength of construction and 10% reduction in cost of construction: Spacecraft; includes all spacecraft and space vehicles of all kinds; 10% bonus in speed of construction, reduction in cost of construction and 5% bonus in strength.

Evangelist-You experience the presence of your god. This role includes priests, pastors, Fathers, nuns, monks, missionaries and similar. You have a home church you use as your base. Role bonuses include 10% connection to the deity of your choice, healing of self, healing of others, persuasion, small talk, 10% if asking for donations of any kind. You begin with a 2 bedroom home near your home church. Nuns and monks have dorm-style living quarters, although this could be two, three or four-person rooms.

Explorer-This jack-of-all-trades specializes in exploring planet surfaces, subterranean areas or deep space. Role bonuses: 10% in analyzing charts, maps and readouts, discovery of debris fields, ore, minerals, rare gems, metals, minerals or earths, salvage fields or salvageable items, (10% higher chance of discovery), 10% bonus in repair of tools and equipment, 5% bonus in communications, stealth and hacking. Player receives $3 million credits (Helvatica Dollars) to purchase equipment, food, supplies, tools, other material, medical supplies, uniforms, clothing, vehicles or for purchase of or down payment on a spacecraft.

Fisher-This role applies to either recreational or commercial fishing. Character receives 10% role bonuses in identifying fishing locations, size of catch, nutrient value, tastiness, bargaining, small talk and tall tales. Player receives $1,000,000 to purchase equipment, materials or supplies.

Gangster-This role receives role bonuses of 10% in weapons knowledge of up to five weapons, assembly and disassembly of those weapons, accuracy and usage of weapons, brawling (melee combat), persuasion, extortion and 5% bonus in evasion.

General-Beginning as a Colonel of The Empire (Empire of Xanydeo and Xanthus), you are the Commanding Officer of a brigade sized force. You must successfully complete four combat missions to attain the rank of General. At the conclusion of World War 3 in 1987, many believed much, if not all, of the world’s nations had become exhausted by war and would not send their fatigued troops and depleted armies into combat any time soon. Some of these actors felt now was the time to strike toward their goals, whether that be secession, independence, rebellion, insurrection, piratism, banditry or similar.

In their assessments, these actors were often correct; many nations would not act against aggression if it did not directly affect their homeland or strategic holdings. Only one nation, The Empire (Empire of Xanydeo and Xanthus) and the paramilitary organization, the Janastian Warhawks, arose to defend international law and order.

From 1988 to 2000, The Empire found itself embroiled in military conflicts across the globe, from the Arctic steppes and mountains to desert vistas to jungles to distant islands, the Empire’s forces assaulted islands, defended desert caravans, stormed mountain strongholds and restored peace and order.

Role bonus as a Colonel include 5% leadership, persuasion, strategy, tactics, logistics, operational art, analysis of maps, charts, tables and readouts, 10% communications, weapons, weapons knowledge weapons assembly and disassembly.

Each of these skills increase by 1% at the conclusion of each of the first three combat missions and 2% at the conclusion of the fourth combat mission.

After each successful mission, your command grows by one brigade. After the successful conclusion of the fourth combat mission, you are promoted to General, receive a bonus of $1,000,000 and you may choose either a personal aircraft or personal spacecraft. You now command a four-brigade Army Corps.

Upon acceptance of your fifth combat mission, you will be asked to choose a fifth brigade of a type at your discretion to add to your force. You may choose Logistics, Armored, Mechanized (APC & truck borne infantry and light armored assault vehicles), Infantry, Air Assault (helicopter-borne infantry), Air Attack (attack helicopters), Armored Cavalry or a specialized type as your next mission may require; Arctic, Mountain, Jungle, Desert, Marines.

You may also add up to five separate companies at your discretion of: Logistics, Engineers (construction), Mechanics (repair), Medics, Headquarters (administration), Communications, Artillery, NBC, Marines, Military Police, Infantry, Armored, Air Assault, Air Attack, Mechanized, PsyCorps, Diplomacy, Intelligence, Air Support (attack aircraft), Drones, Missile, Cyber, Special Forces, Arctic, Desert, Mountain, Jungle or NightRangers (night assault infantry). These can be all of one type or mix units for up to five types as you see fit.

Hacker-This role enables the character hack into computers and cyber networks, create, deploy or neutralize viruses, clandestinely spy or listen in on computer users or on locations where security cameras or electronic devices connected to the net are installed. Role bonus includes 10% bonus in hacking, creating, deploying and disabling viruses, detecting cyber intrusions, countering cyber intrusions and communications.

Hunter-You love hunting. Whether big game, exotic creatures or smaller fauna, this role receives 10% bonus in targeting, tracking (with a weapon or a system), tracking by ground, accuracy, locating hunting areas, locating game targets, and tall tales. You can choose a villa, home or ranch in Hunter’s Ranch, Resortia or King Ranch or a home, apartment or condo in Kila Vas.

Industrialist-This character owns factories, mines, oil fields, gas fields, trucking companies, cargo airlines or shipping companies (cargo ships). You begin with any one of your choice and $3,000,000 Helvatica Dollars. 10% role bonus in small talk, persuasion, bargaining and efficiency of factory production, mine yield, oil field or gas field production.

Magician/Illusionist-This is two similar but distinct roles. Magician-People may think you use tricks, mirrors, sleight-of-hand and gimmicks to pull off your magic act, and they would be right — for now. But you know there is a dark side to the world of magic, a world where true magic exists and you aim to discover that world. Role bonus for magician is 10% evasion, stealth, persuasion, bargaining, sleight-of-hand, misdirection, and reverse engineering.

Illusionist-Using illusions and hypnosis, you get people to believe something which didn’t happen or is not true. 12% role bonus in persuasion, hypnosis, mass hypnosis, 10% bonus in bargaining, evasion and stealth.

Merchant-This role could range from a kiosk in a mall, a stall on the side of the road or a small store. 10% role bonuses in bargaining, small talk, persuasion and communications. Choose kiosk in a mall, roadside stand or small stand-alone store. Player receives $350,000 Helvatica Dollars.

Military-This character is a member of an armed force. This could be the military of a nation, the security force, army or space force of a corporation or a private military organization (mercenary company). 10% role bonus in weapons knowledge, assembly and disassembly, accuracy, range, endurance, brawling (melee combat) and strength.

Miner-This character lives to mine. Whether it’s minerals, gems, ores, gasses or some specialized area, on ground or in space, this role provides 10% role bonuses in locating mining items, mining yield, bargaining, communications, endurance. Player receives either an entry level mining spacecraft or a small group of mining vehicles and equipment.

Pilot-This role includes pilot of an aircraft, spacecraft or a fighter pilot of a star fighter, naval fighter or air force fighter or a competition pilot. Must complete three combat missions to be assigned a wingman. 10 combat missions awards command of a 4 aircraft/spacecraft squadron. 30 combat missions awards command of a wing (4 “flights” of 4 squadrons each) of 64 air or spacecraft. Role bonuses include 10% bonus in small talk, targeting and tracking, accuracy, dogfighting (or if non-combat craft 10% bonus in manuverabilty and 10% in fuel reduction), speed, tall tales and persuasion.

Psionicist-Initially you have 10% skill level in each of telepathy, clairvoyance, remote seeing, clairaudience and telekenesis. These all increase by 1% after each successful attempt of any of these. At 50% skill level of these, additional bonuses include 10% communications, hypnosis and mass hypnosis, stealth and evasion. At 100%, player has a 10% bonus in whatever field or activity they choose during an action. Role bonuses include 10% bargaining, small talk and persuasion.

Sailing-Whether a kayak, rowboat, dinghy, yacht or a 4-masted schooner, this role assumes competency in any sail-equipped craft or a surfboard, boogie board, rowboat, kayak, scull, or other water-borne craft. 10% role bonuses in sailing, navigation, sailing ship manuverability (transferable to spacecraft), persuasion, small talk, tall tales.

Security-This role includes bouncer, military or corporate security personnel, private security, diplomatic security personnel, transport security personnel, “mall cops” and bodyguards. Role bonuses include 10% detection of threats, weapons knowledge, accuracy, range, crowd control small talk, brawling, strength, endurance. Mall cops receive only 5% of each bonus and zero in brawling, strength and endurance, but 15% in crowd control.

Special Forces-This highly trained individual works in small groups, often under cover of night to execute specialized plans of their government or employer. Role bonuses include 10% in evasion, detection, communications, bargaining, endurance and strength. 15% role bonuses in weapons, weapon knowledge, assembly and disassembly, range, accuracy and brawling.

Televangelist-You may or may not believe the words you speak, but you do know how to profit by them. Role bonuses include 15% persuasion, small talk, bargaining, tall tales, 10% leadership, healing of self, endurance. Role bonuses also include a palatial residence in a location of the player’s choosing, private jet or spacecraft, 5 vehicles of the players choosing, a 5,000 seat arena used as your church, and 20 million Helvatica Dollars.



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